
"Nature shows us a path to our own nature''

We wish to contribute to a balanced planet with balanced people and balanced personal leadership. Becoming our own best friend.


"Meeting eachother and moreover our conscious and subconscious self"

We facilitate personal leadership and teamleadership programs in nature.
We offer an unforgettable inspiring journey in which you are invited to unplug, relax and make time for a standstill with yourself and your team. Away from busy life and phones. Embraced by pristine nature and inspired by the ancient indigenous practice of a vision quest. Resonate with nature.
Deepen your insights about yourself and your interactions in life. And further: feel into what next steps lie around the corner.


"Putting ourselves to stillness, in solitude."

In this off grid setting we facilitate you on your journey.
Partly together, supported by the group and partly on your own.
Trekking mindful as a pack through the beautiful landscape. Inviting stillness and connection with ourselves, each other and with nature.
We work with elements like yoga, meditation, fire, roleplay, fun, ceremony, bodywork, music and of course with sharing and silence. Starting from within, working both in a circle and in solitude, allowing and presencing the sacred.
Coming back inspired, with embodied insights, and concrete, synced intentions as individual, and/or as a team.

Who are we?

We experience nature to be our teacher and inspiring friend for finding more peace and trust. Get lost in nature, find yourself. Learning more about ourselves and our path in life.
We feel it is our purpose to Integrate these teachings into our modern society, where overstimulating urbanisation is surrounding us most of the time. Distracting us, making us adjust. React in stead of sensing in.

We long to share our passion for nature and to be each other’s teacher on our journeys together. The lesson of one is a lesson for all.

Bernhard Holtrop

Bernhard has 25 years of experience in facillitating change processes and dialogues. Both in the corporate world as well in troubled neighborhoods. Working with executives, teams and with homeless and youth gangs. Nature always plays a central role in his programs. For meeting ourselves and each other in our natural authentic setting.

In his approach Bernhard combines head and heart: An MBA and an engineering degree with experiential, embodied learning and breathwork.
In this his Native American teachers taught him the shamanic ways and ceremonies to empower intentions of transformation. As individual and as a team.

Annika Ronja Forsberg

Annika Ronja brings in her experience as a yoga teacher and nature guide. She has studied outdoor leadership, coaching, and alternative medicine and has a big interest in medicinal plants and herbs. Her presence brings instant ease, depth, and compassion to the circle.
Annika Ronja specializes in working with women circles. Empowering women in their being. In work and private life.